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The best detox shop, I buy marijuana detox kit every time. Thanks for nice support.
Martin, Usa.

I had big problem with my job, and I waited for drug testing procedure, I bought detox product here and passed drug test. For me it's the best online store. Also I buy drug test every week.
Mich, Usa.

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Clara, Usa.

Premium Detox 7 Day Cleansing Program - $59.99Rapid THC/Marijuana Detox Kit for Persons Over 200 lbs - $59.99Single Panel Home Urine Test Devise for THC/Marijuana - $7.99Ultra Clean Shampoo and Conditioner by ZYDOT - $35.99Rapid THC/Marijuana Detox Kit for Persons Under 200 lbs - $53.99Ultra Wash Toxin-Cleansing Mouthwash from Ultra Kleen - $29.99Stinger Mouthwash – Detoxifier for Saliva Test - $30.99

Drug Hair Follicular Test Kit
Drug Hair Follicular Test Kit

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If you are feeling unsure of the toxins in your hair, and want to know your results, simply test yourself with the Hair Test Kit we provide for you. This kit is designed to test for any toxins in your hair, and it comes equipped with everything you need to test yourself. Included is a self-addressed envelope, which sends your sample to a private lab for fast accurate confidential results. The directions are easy to follow and are broken down into seven simple steps.

This kit contains the following products: Hair follicle drug test specimen pouch, specimen pouch, self-addressed envelope, easy to follow instructions, and a Chain of Custody form.

You may need to include a hair clip and a pair scissors of your own.

Simple Steps to Follow:

STEP 1: Clip hair close to your scalp. Keep in mind that you will need 80-120 strands of hair.

STEP 2: With the scissors cut your hair as close to the scalp as possible.

STEP 3: Carefully place the end of your roots on the collection foil.

STEP 4: Fold the foil once in the middle and then once again in lengthwise.

STEP 5: Put your sample carefully in the specimen pouch.

STEP 6: Fill out all of the paperwork that is enclosed in the kit, place sample and paperwork in the self-addressed envelope and mail out.

STEP 7: Results are provided 48 hours after the lab receives the envelope. Results can be given over the phone or via mail.


Please follow the instructions carefully in filing out the Chain of Custody form and preparing the specimen. If any mistakes are made, the laboratory will not be able to perform the test, and we will not held responsible.