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How Long Does Marijuana Stay in Your System? Facts About Marijuana
The best detox shop, I buy marijuana detox kit every time. Thanks for nice support.
Martin, Usa.

I had big problem with my job, and I waited for drug testing procedure, I bought detox product here and passed drug test. For me it's the best online store. Also I buy drug test every week.
Mich, Usa.

Cool site, best service, friendly support. Big choise of detox products.
Clara, Usa.

Premium Detox 7 Day Cleansing Program - $59.99Rapid THC/Marijuana Detox Kit for Persons Over 200 lbs - $59.99Single Panel Home Urine Test Devise for THC/Marijuana - $7.99Ultra Clean Shampoo and Conditioner by ZYDOT - $35.99Rapid THC/Marijuana Detox Kit for Persons Under 200 lbs - $53.99Ultra Wash Toxin-Cleansing Mouthwash from Ultra Kleen - $29.99Stinger Mouthwash – Detoxifier for Saliva Test - $30.99

Single Panel Home Urine Test Devise for K2/Spice
Single Panel Home Urine Test Devise for K2/Spice

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    The Single Panel Home Testing Device for Synthetic Marijuana (K2 / Spice) is specifically designed for those individuals who want to discretely check for Synthetic marijuana levels in their urine in a private setting for the compounds found in Synthetic urine otherwise known as K2 or Spice. These compounds are: JWH-018 (25 ng/ml), JWH-073 (25 ng/ml), JWH-210 (300 ng/ml), JWH-398 (200 ng/ml), and MAM2201 (100 ng/ml).

Directions of Use:

  1. Deposit your sample into a clean, dry glass or plastic container.
  2. Remove testing device from the sterile foil pouch.
  3. Place the end of the Single Panel Home Testing Device for Synthetic Marijuana (K2 / Spice) into the sample making sure that the arrow is pointing towards the urine sample. Do not place the strip past the indicated test line.
  4. Leave the Single Panel Home Testing Device for Synthetic Marijuana (K2 / Spice) in the sample until a reddish color appears in the test area (approximately 15 to 20 seconds).
  5. Remove the test strip and place it face up on a dry, flat surface.
  6. Your results will be available in 5 to 10 minutes. The test results may not be accurate after 10 minutes.

    Results Analysis:

    The results may positive, negative or invalid.

    1. Positive: Your results will be positive for testing above the cutoff levels for the compounds found in synthetic cannabis if only one color band appears in the Control Zone (C) and no color band appears in the Test Zone (T). This means that the concentrations of the metabolites of of JWH-10 and or JWH-73 are above the cutoff levels established by The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
    2. Negative: Your results will be negative for testing above the cutoff levels for the compounds found in synthetic cannabis if one color band appears in the Control Zone (C) and one color band appears in the Test Zone (T). This means that the concentrations of the metabolites of JWH-10 and or JWH-73 in the sample are below the cutoff levels established by Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
    3. Invalid: No color band appears in either the Control Zone (C) or the Test Zone (T). An invalid test result may be caused by improper testing procedure or the deterioration of the test kit. If your test is invalid you will have to retest using a new testing device.


Multi-panel THC/Marijuana Home Urine Test Kit
Multi-panel THC/Marijuana Home Urine Test Kit
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The multi-panel THC home drug test is for the individual that wants to test their toxin level in the privacy of their own home. Our multi-panel THC test detects THC at 4 different levels: 20ng/mL, 50ng/mL, 100ng/mL, and 200ng/mL. It's perfect to...
Drug Hair Follicular Test Kit
Drug Hair Follicular Test Kit
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If you are feeling unsure of the toxins in your hair, and want to know your results, simply test yourself with the Hair Test Kit we provide for you. This kit is designed to test for any toxins in your hair, and it comes equipped with everything you...
Saliva 6 Multi Drug Test Kit (AMP/mAMP/COC/OPI/THC/PCP)
Saliva 6 Multi Drug Test Kit (AMP/mAMP/COC/OPI/THC/PCP)
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Saliva 6 Multi Drug Test Kit (AMP/mAMP/COC/OPI/THC/PCP) is basically used for examining cocaine/crack, opiates/morphine such as heroin, methamphetamine, marijuana, amphetamine and phencyclidine in the body of an individual. The saliva 7 Multi Drug...
5 Panel Multi Parameter Drug Cassette/Device
5 Panel Multi Parameter Drug Cassette/Device
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5 Panel Home Urine Test Kit is an exclusive kit that tests for AMP, COC, MET, MOR and THC in the privacy of your home. The values indicated in the kit are real indicators and an individual will get the same levels, when tested in a laboratory. The 5...