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How Long Does Marijuana Stay in Your System? Facts About Marijuana
The best detox shop, I buy marijuana detox kit every time. Thanks for nice support.
Martin, Usa.

I had big problem with my job, and I waited for drug testing procedure, I bought detox product here and passed drug test. For me it's the best online store. Also I buy drug test every week.
Mich, Usa.

Cool site, best service, friendly support. Big choise of detox products.
Clara, Usa.

Premium Detox 7 Day Cleansing Program - $59.99Rapid THC/Marijuana Detox Kit for Persons Over 200 lbs - $59.99Single Panel Home Urine Test Devise for THC/Marijuana - $7.99Ultra Clean Shampoo and Conditioner by ZYDOT - $35.99Rapid THC/Marijuana Detox Kit for Persons Under 200 lbs - $53.99Ultra Wash Toxin-Cleansing Mouthwash from Ultra Kleen - $29.99Stinger Mouthwash – Detoxifier for Saliva Test - $30.99

The All-Inclusive Extended Cleansing Kit (Basic)
The All-Inclusive Extended Cleansing Kit (Basic)

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The All-Inclusive Extended Cleansing Kit comes with products, which are specially designed to rid you body of all unwanted toxins. Toxins can stay in your body for months depending on the amount of substances being used. Do not let toxins control your bodies health; gain your control and health back with this kit. The All-Inclusive Extended Cleansing Kit comes with the following items:

  • Vale's Perma Clean Daily Regimens
  • Vale's Flax Boost Regimens
  • Two packs of Fiber Boost Capsules,
  • Two Vale's Solution Detox drinks

(Directions for people who will not be drug tested throughout the two-month period)

  1. Begin The All-Inclusive Extended Cleansing Kit program by consuming the Vale's Fiber Boost capsules with a Vale's Solution Drink
  2. The following day begin the Vale's Perma Clean Capsules. Take four capsules every day until the entire bottle is consumed
  3. After the Perma clean has been consumed drink the second bottle of Vale's Solution with another pack of vale's Fiber Boost
  4. After the bottle is consumed begin taking the Vale's Flax Boost Take four capsules every day until the entire bottle is consumed
  5. Finish the program by consuming 3 capsules daily from Vale's Flax Boost

(Directions for people who will be drug tested throughout the two-month period)

  1. Begin this form of the kit by consuming 4 capsules of Vale's Perma Clean daily
  2. When the fifteen-day supply of Vale's Perma Clean has ended, your body is well on its way of detoxifying the toxins
  3. On the day of your test, approximately 1-2 hours before test time consume the Vale's solution drink with the Fiber Boost Capsules. Urinate as frequently as possible with a minimum of 3 times.

For best results:
Your body cannot be cleansed if you are still using any kinds of substances. Avoid ALL toxins throughout the program.


2 Month Extensive Cleansing Program (Extra Strong)
2 Month Extensive Cleansing Program (Extra Strong)
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The Two Month Extra Strong Extensive Cleansing Program provides gradual permanent cleaning with two daily supplements and instant results with Vale's Solution 4x detoxifying beverage. Designed for heavy weight individuals or those with a history of...
The Ultimate Body Cleansing Kit
The Ultimate Body Cleansing Kit
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What is The Ultimate Body Cleansing Kit designed to do? What do you do when your demanded to take a drug test at random notice and have unwanted toxins in your body? You stress. What do you do when you don't know what kind of test you will be given...