The best detox shop, I buy marijuana detox kit every time. Thanks for nice support.
Martin, Usa.
I had big problem with my job, and I waited for drug testing procedure, I bought detox product here and
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Mich, Usa.
Cool site, best service, friendly support. Big choise of detox products. Clara, Usa.
- 16 oz. bottle of QCARBO Liquid
Suggested usage
These products are intended to be taken on the day you desire to be clean, 2 hours before. Step 1) In 60 minutes to the time you desire to be clean, drink the entire 16 oz. QCarbo liquid at a comfortable yet consistent pace. Step 2) 15 minutes after completing Herbal Clean QCarbo liquid, you must refill bottle with cold water and drink it until gone. Step 3) Sit back and relax for 45 minutes and then you're ready to do the next step! Product is going to be most effective from 1 to 5 hours after drinking carbo. It will be helpful to drink an additional 16 oz. of water. Step 4) Test yourself with included COC COCAINE TEST DEVICE (usage instructions are included). If desired results are not obtained go to Step 5. Step 5) 45 minutes prior to the time you desire to be clean, chew the entire tablet with 32 ounces of water. Desired results will be obtained up to 4 hours from completing QCLEAN tablet.
For more successful usage!
Do not eat any large meals before using this product.
Urinate as often as possible. This is an important step in the cleansing process.
Drink plenty of water several days prior to your Emergency Flush
Avoid all unwanted toxins for 24-48 hours prior to the time you desire to be clean. (The longer the better for the result)
Results may be temporary, time it carefully.
Warning: You must consult your physician before using this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Also save 10% off individually purchased products.
Premium Detox 7 Day Comprehensive program is a highly famous and refined cleansing method that cleans and purifies blood and urinary tract within 7 Days. It removes waste products and toxins present within the human body, such as meth, THC, nicotine...
Fast Cocaine Detox Kit for People over 200 Lbs Use Fast Cocaine Detox Kit for pass drug test. The COCAINE DETOXICATION KIT includes: - 20 oz. QCARBO PLUS WITH BOOSTER - 1 QCLEAN CHEWABLE EMERGENCY FLUSH - 1 COC COCAINE TEST DEVICE Suggested usage...
The 2 Stage COC/Cocaine Detox Kit for people weighing over 200 pounds contains all natural ingredients designed to flush your urine of drug metabolites. A unique blend of vitamins, minerals and herbal cleansers provides successful cleansing for drug...